Clay Twp. road grants
Brookville Star
Kay Dawson
Contributing Writer
CLAY TOWNSHIP - At the Aug. 5 meeting, the Clay Township trustees voted to apply for state grants for four road projects, one for Upper Lewisburg-Salem Road from Brookville-Salem to Wellbaum Road, for Upper Lewsburg-Salem Road from Wellbaum to Diamond Mill roads, for Hartman Road, and for Temple Road.

Trustee President Steven Woolf explained that the state has three funding cycles in the road program.

“Two are for the cities and counties and the third is for small villages and townships.”

Because the state takes average income of the jurisdiction into account, “and Clay Township has a fairly high-income level per capita, so we’re going to lose some points there. But we are applying to receive this, and if not, we’ll come back again for these projects.

He said the cost of repairing, draining and blacktopping a road is $400,000 to $500,000 per mile.

The township received a $2,760.26 rebate from the Ohio Township Association Risk Management Association, an insurance pool. This will be applied to future insurance payments.

Keith Clark of Sweet Potato Ridge Road asked the trustees what could be done to open the ditch on Diamond Mill Road near his property, complaining that “the cattails are taking over” and the adjacent field floods. As it is a county road, Road Superintendent Chris Maleski said he would coordinate the matter with the county.

The land surrounding Arlington Cemetery is leased to a farmer. The current lease will expire in January of 2020, and the board of trustees agreed to issue a Request for Proposal from farmers interested in leasing it then.

Asked for committee reports, Trustee Dale Winner, who had just been sworn in on Aug. 1, replied, “I don’t have any committees to report on yet!” He added he was pleased to be back on the board of trustees.

The next regular meeting of the board of trustees will be at 5 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 19, at the township building at 8207 Arlington Road.
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